Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Food Blog

I had a friend recently ask me what happened to my food blog. I still have it up, although I haven't posted anything on it in FOREVER. The blog address is aussiemuminthekitchen.blogspot.com. I changed the blog address of it to give my family a little more anonymity and protection.

 So for those of you missing some of my old recipes, feel free to stop on by. I really need to start posting to it again. I love love love trying new recipes and blogging about the ones that are good.


Jonah Giggling

This morning I was showering Gabe and Brad's younger brother Bridger was playing with Jonah in our room and I heard giggling. I freaked out and grabbed my phone. I so badly wanted you all to see Jonah's latest trick. Brad also hadn't heard it yet so I am so thrilled I could catch this. I can't think of a cuter sound in the world, than a baby giggling. We are just so in love with this little guy. 


Last night while I was out running late, Gabe also lost his first perfect baby tooth. It had been wiggling for over a month but Gabe and pain don't mix. Gabe and pain and blood? Oh mercy! Needless to say he had been very cautious with this wiggly tooth and was not letting anyone near it. The only one he would let touch it was Nana. I felt a little bad when I saw Gabe cry as she pulled on it, but honestly, this kid would have left it in there forever otherwise. Though I was not home, I was grateful that Brad captured it all on my phone so I didn't have to completely miss out. 

Check out the cute tooth fairy pillow that Nana Sandy made. She is so clever. It has a pocket in the front to place the tooth in, which is also where the tooth fairy leaves the money. I spray painted a dollar with glitter paint and Gabe thought it was pretty neat that the tooth fairy left behind some of her fairy dust. I had to laugh to myself. As a kid when we lost our teeth we didn't get anywhere near a dollar per tooth. I guess, we will call it "inflation" =).