Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Speed Demon!

Last year for Christmas Santa brought Gabe a motorcycle. Brad and Grandpa Mike added the training wheels. Today he had some fun riding it and he was looking so cute I couldn't resist the urge to snap some pictures of him. The weather has been just so gorgeous, we are trying to get in every last minute we can of fun outside before it gets too cold.

Little lady killer...right here!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Crazy Hair Day?!

This past week Gabe had something fun going on at school every day. Monday was crazy sock day, Tuesday was wear your favorite team jersey or color day, Wednesday was Halloween, Thursday was crazy hair day and Friday was wear your school shirt day.

Gabe was sooooooo excited for crazy hair day when I showed him that I had bought some colored hair spray for the occasion. We had a fun time getting him ready for school that morning and he had a blast having "crazy" blue hair for a day.

Get out of town...are you kidding me?! Look at that face!!!!!!!!!!!

Blue mohawk baby!

He kills me!

As a little Halloween surprise for Gabe I purchased this Halloween sweatshirt and cool skeleton gloves. He loved them and I loved seeing how excited he was about them.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


We had a very busy but equally fun Halloween this year. Gabe decided he wanted to be Spiderman...(again- last year it was black Spiderman-Venom) this year he was just good ol regular Spiderman.

We kicked off Halloween this year at Brad's work by attending the annual office Halloween trick or treating party. It is always so much fun and we really look forward to it.  They close the whole office down early and everyone can bring their kids, grandkids, friends etc to the office to trick or treat. The whole office goes all out with people decorating and handing out  WAY too much candy. It's so nice to know that no matter the weather, we always get to get in our trick or treating in a warm and safe place. Besides...Gabe just loves to visit Dad at work, so it's a win win.

Mum and Gabe-We love this little guy so much!

Loved this guy...Gabe wasn't too willing to get much closer


On Halloween day, Gabe had a school Halloween parade in the morning and then I volunteered in his class for their class Halloween party. They did crafts, played games, decorated a cookie you name it. It was fun to watch all the kids and to be a part of the fun.

School Halloween Parade

Soooooo embarassed...Gabe is not a show pony...lol

 Class Halloween Party
Making Spiders and Ghosts

Gabe's Spider
Gabe with one of his little school buddies Max

Decorating Cookies

The handsome Mr. Spiderman!!!

 The party was a little chaotic but so much fun!

More school buddies- Issac, Nash and Gabe

After school got out we rushed back home to our neighborhood where the neighborhood kids were doing their Halloween parade followed by a little luncheon.
Gabe and his little friend Lincoln
On Halloween night, we went over to Nana and Papa's and went trick or treating with cousins and aunties and uncles. The boys had a blast. Once we got done trick or treating we went back to Nana and Papa's house for homemade soup, homemade bread and homemade root beer. One of Gabe's favorite things to do on Halloween is to hand out candy. So we went home in time to be able to hand out candy from home. Watching Gabe's face light up when kids came to our door was priceless.

Fun with cousins our little monster (Carson), Cutest Tiger (Davis), Pirate (Andrew) and Gabe

Going door to door
My cute sister in law Shanna and the cutest little Tiger. We were so glad that they were in town for Halloween
Uncle Brad and little Davis- I love watching Brad with Davis
We had a really fun Halloween this year and were grateful to be able to enjoy it with family and nice weather. Gabe is already planning next Halloween!